Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Cocktail Party of a Stranger

I was told to come inside.
But I was watching the shadows of the snowflakes in the streetlight.
Nobody was there to take my coat.
What’s in that locked room?
Nobody asked to fix me a drink.
The concerns of the day aren't anybody's concern,
The topic of conversation confusing, indiscrete.
I was still thinking of that locked room –
There was a dim light under the door.
Where’s my coat gone?
There was a blizzard outside.
There was always some kind of weather.
I was having a conversation with a snowman.
Nobody knew the host, but he was supposed to be
A great downhill skier.
I was catching snowflakes on my eyelashes.
The house had a shrine to a saint.
The snow so fine it was like ash on my tongue.
Someone suggested lighting a fire,
Someone had a cigarette in her mouth.
The snow angels all around the yard.
I was told to come inside.
But I was listening to what the owl had to say.

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